Topic: Reasons women date older men  (Read 3526 times)

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Reasons women date older men
« on: February 18, 2014, 07:12:22 AM »
We identify five possible reasons that can be behind
such relationships.
1. The secure feeling Being with a man who is older, natural means he is
financially stable and secured. Apart from that,
there are all the chances that he is emotionally
stable too. Such men offer a natural sense of
security to women. They feel more carefree
financially, physically and emotionally when they are with such men.
 2. Understand women better With the experience and wisdom that comes with
age, older men also tend to understand women
better. They are known to be more understanding
and sensitive towards the emotional needs of a
woman, which obviously women find very
attractive. While the not-so-matured and younger men are still busy gaining their share of
experience, women tend to choose the older ones
for their affectionate and protective ways.
3. Fun to talk to Older men are often well-read and well-informed
about worldly matters, which makes them
interesting to talk to. Very rarely do they brag and
are mostly interested in enjoying a conversation
rather than showing-off. Moreover, they like to talk
about varied things other than mere mushy stuff. Therefore, many women are of the opinion that
such men are a better choice than their younger
 4. Feeling at peace It is a well-known fact that most women tend to
panic and get upset quickly. This is when they
need a firm, supportive and understanding partner
by their side. It might sound clichéd, but women
find older men more “grown up” emotionally and
with their thoughts about the relationship. So, even if the woman gets upsets or panics in some
situations, the man can provide the much required
stability and calmness.
 5. Less likely to cheat While younger men are busy looking for flings and
some fun time, the older ones (at least most of
them!) seek just one thing- a stable, committed
relationship. This is something that attracts
women. Such men are looked at as dependable,
honest and loyal, and less likely to stray


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