Nuno Espirito Santo has been sacked, but Tottenham have another big concern with the ‘dreadful’ form of star striker Harry Kane.

The frontman put in a limp display as Spurs were resoundingly beaten 3-0 by the Red Devils in a match that saw the home fans turn against ‘one of their own’.

It was a lifeless display from Kane and Tottenham

The result has cost Nuno Espirito Santo his job as Spurs manager and Jamie O’Hara believes the times has come for Kane to be DROPPED from the starting XI.

O’Hara told talkSPORT: “Harry Kane was really bad, a dreadful performance, his head was down, he lacked any sort of edge.

“He doesn’t want to be there, let’s be honest.

“He got booed – fans pay good money to be at that stadium, the ticket prices are high so when they turn up they expect to see the players giving 100 per cent, that’s first and foremost whether you want to be at the football club or not.

Nuno has been given the chop and O’Hara believes Kane needs a break from the starting line-up

“He’s totally out of sorts, he’s not in the right areas, I don’t think he’s in the right frame of mind to be playing at the moment.

“Drop Kane. Take him out the firing line, play Son up front because Steven Bergwijn’s back, play him and Lucas Moura. I’d just give Kane a rest and take him out the firing line. He’s taking a lot of stick at the minute.

“But he must be sat there frustrated. If you look at the creativity in our team, it’s absolutely non-existent. No one creates a chance, there’s no give-and-go, one-twos, third man runs trying to get people in, it’s just so basic and so average, it was almost embarrassing to watch.”

Meanwhile, Tony Cascarino suggested Kane should take it upon himself to take a rest, likening the England captain’s situation to something he experienced when at Celtic.

Kane has managed just one Premier League goal this season

The talkSPORT host said in his column for The Times: “The atmosphere at Tottenham is in danger of becoming toxic unless something is done and done now.

“When the fans turn against ‘one of their own’ in Harry Kane, you know things are bad. Kane probably fears becoming a scapegoat for Tottenham’s troubles because he asked to leave.

“Nothing is going right for him and he’s playing like a man who wants to be left out of the side, which may be the kindest course of action.

“He’s not in the right mental state to perform at his best, so taking him out of the spotlight may come as a relief. I know from experience how that feels. He could even follow my example and ask to be left out of the team.

“When I was at Celtic there was a period where I had issues in my life and I was not playing well. I was getting merciless stick from the crowd. I was getting it so bad I went to the manager and asked to be left out of the side. I had to try and get my head right.

“Harry Kane is in the same position. His head is all over the place… he’s playing like a man who wants to be dropped… he’s showing nothing.”

More and more believe Kane would benefit from some time on the bench

Trevor Sinclair echoed O’Hara and Cascarino’s thoughts and compared Kane’s current situation to Tiger Woods, saying both struggled to cope well with major setbacks in their careers.

The former England and Man City ace said: “Kane for me is a shadow of himself… some people struggle when they have this kind of situation around them.

“When Tiger Woods had a bad problem, he seemed to shoulder it so bad. He was squeaky clean before that, the world portrayed him as a superstar that doesn’t put a foot wrong. All of a sudden it all came crashing down and his rehabilitation took years and years and years.

“Harry Kane’s always been portrayed as a really good professional… he got all the adulation he deserves and then this summer he’s suggested to Gary Neville he wants to leave… the way the public and the media have responded to that has been by digging him out a bit. He seems to have crumbled under it.

“I would almost say Tottenham are playing with ten men. He’s so ineffective for the team.”

Kane is arguably in the worst form of his career and there’s no sign of any light at the end of the tunnel

Kane’s attempts to leave Spurs in the summer also started a conversation on talKSPORT about the way Paul Pogba is treated in the media.

Pogba was slated for his unintentional cameo during Man United’s 5-0 defeat against Liverpool, as he was sent off just 15 minutes after being brought on.

The Frenchman rarely escapes the scrutiny of pundit and supporters, and Alex Crook believes the time has come for Kane to get the same level of criticism.

Crook said: “We were very critical of Paul Pogba and his lack of effort, his attitude when he came on, if you’re going to make those criticisms about him you’re going to have to do it about the England captain as well.

“I think there’s an air of inevitability about it, he wanted to go to Manchester City – he was desperate and I think he carries the look of someone who’d rather be anywhere than north London.”


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